Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Secularism And Its Effect On Society Religion Essay Example
Secularism And Its Effect On Society Religion Essay Example Secularism And Its Effect On Society Religion Essay Secularism And Its Effect On Society Religion Essay Secularism is the division of region and confidence. It is the avoidance or dismissal of confidence from political or common individual businesss of the region. Bing an antiquated conviction of some old Grecian and Roman logicians like Marcus Aurelius it has created and extended to make various corners of the universe. Be that as it may, the term secularism is similarly new as it was chief referenced or begat by the British creator George Holyoake in 1851. In the 1700 s various creators and rationalists of the Enlightenment Age had proposed its application in the public eye. High Renaissance scholars other than offered ascend to secularism and vision in their plants shaped from Classicism, yet it was to a great extent in authentic rather than creative and design plants. Along these lines, secularism was authoritatively conceived or begun during the Renaissance however found a specific terms in the eighteenth century during the Age of Reason. The develop and its application became mor e grounded with the Gallic insurgency moving until today. The most mainstream areas in current occasions have dramatically increased the figure of non-common regions. Be that as it may, some common areas do non use it without limit and still distinguish some otherworldly shortfalls like excursions. A few territories, by and by, do non hold a characterized area confidence in view of various examples of a major figure of its residents. For delineation, Nigeria has Islam, Christianity and other Traditional beliefs yet non each piece much as the initial two-as the official religions of the state. The full state watches both Islamic and Christian get-aways and sets aside cash in its financial plan for various expectations for this confidence. Consequently, secularism has had a consolation in the last a few centuries. Since its outgrowth, confidence holds the capacity or position as the balance for law and every single other lawfulness. It is the selective start of law and everybody is required to comply with its guidelines and statutes and inability to make so outcomes in punishment of the blameworthy individual or people by profound order. In this way, the correct capacity of confidence in each general public is to put down the guidelines or Torahs to be trailed by each part. It other than envelops the full existence of a person, from their introduction to the world, everyday exercises and even to destruction and more remote. Religion is total for example it is a genuine proclamation from the Almighty. Europe was broadly Roman Catholic Christians because of the Roman vanquishers of the Dark and Middle Ages. Europe was an extremely otherworldly landmass. Consequently, confidence was the statute seting the congregation over even the conclusion Monarchs and Lords. Be that as it may, this understanding relied upon the state and now and then changed fitting to the swayer. For outline, King Richard the Lion Heart of England was a solid Catholic and a pioneer of the battles subsequently, had a decent remaining with the congregation while his sibling John other than known as John Lackland who became lord after him did non. Pope Innocent II banned him because of a contrast between them on who was to be the accompanying Archbishop of Canterbury. Since the past Norman and Angevin male rulers of England had significant impact with the congregation, he other than accepted he could. Notwithstanding, the congregation triumphed and he continued paying the congregation remuneration cash for some cl asp. Consequently, otherworldly guidelines have been around for a long clasp because of confidence and its willing followings. It can other than be seen from the clasp of its outgrowth and improvement from animism to polytheism and in the long run monotheism, all religions take into consideration the confidence in a force or godlikeness that sets guidelines. These guidelines have been here and there to the benefit of society and at different occasions to its hurt. For case, in pre-Christian Rome, human relinquish or carnage is supposed to be the carrier of the God s and goddesses leniency on the individuals of Rome. Human relinquish achieved precipitation, great yield and bounteous riches. In this manner, it realized the introduction of the fighters and their incredible fights to please the divinities. Another outline would be the Indian relinquish of a widow on her dead hubby s burial service fire or accordingly times the terminal of her cultural life and she is viewed as a terrible luck advance for anybody. In this way, confidence constrained society to either slaughter these widows or cut them off from society and force them to populate together without help, have oning only white and offering their natural structures to take care of themselves the vast majority of the clasp. A few beliefs even back up and O.K. of inbreeding especially sibling sister interbreeding which can be found in Egyptian, Nipponese and Chinese imperial family units of the past yearss. Consequently, the best possible capacity of confidence in the public eye is to set up and pass on request non bedlam to religion. Be that as it may, for the most bit, Europe occupied with wars between its states because of religion giving 1000s of lives to its motivation. For representation, the Campaigns that were embraced multiple times by various states that tossed the entirety of their cash into them by, all things considered, burdening their kin to back wars which were lost in the terminal. A few states, similar to England and France neer recuperated to the full from this practical relinquish which can be said the advancements in both these states due to hapless rule of life. State confidence in France after the unrest offered way to territory atheism which advanced the concealment of confidence. It is superseding to comprehend that secularism advances profound opportunity while keeping up it from act uponing its Torahs while paganism does non back up the example of confidence by any means. In present day or advanced occasions, secularism is increasingly well known in light of the fact that it advances fairness of religions before the statute and can crush accusal of bias towards one confidence. Be that as it may, in socialist areas territory paganism is advanced. The cutting edge universe ought to non desert or give confidence to the side as it is being done in most present day areas. It is a given that a few territories have more than one significant beliefs to see. This may a present a vocation to most regions with regards to law contriving. Anyway in Nigeria, the law shapers have done a decent occupation ingraining its significant religions for example Islam and Christianity with extraordinary outcomes. The state other than perceives different examples of the less populated conventional religions tolerating a few things like marriage, paternity and acknowledgment without an interest for a legitimate agent at the clasp. It tends to be said that confidence tossed Europe in to a region of war, however it can non be discredited that it other than realized stableness at the clasp of its outgrowth in Europe. In any case, the vast majority especially the philosopes like Denis D iderot dismissed the idea of God doing confidence equal to social orders desolations. He composed a paper about a perishing blind educator, Lettre Sur lupus erythematosuss aveugles, in which he advanced his political direction. It is trusted Diderot s sister s perish in a religious community where she was a cloister adherent added to his disapproval of confidence. In this manner, it very well may be seen that desolations of individuals of the hapless at the authorities of the congregation prompted numerous Europeans belief of paganism. On the different manus, it most areas that have an individual confidence as its territory confidence and being non-mainstream have a similarly unagitated and efficient society. For delineation, the Middle Eastern states that use Islam as their functionary confidence utilize the Quran and the directions of the Prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W ) as their statute. In spite of the fact that there is emergency in the Middle East states like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates appreciate a quiet cultural and conservative life which precise and tumult free. The partition of confidence and area Torahs the two has its focal points and hindrances. It is as yet an on-going contention on whether its advantages exceed its imperfections. On the off chance that region is isolated from confidence, Torahs will hold no immediate profound impact. Man made otherworldly guidelines expressing is non the law. Resistance of different religions will be created. Nepotism and isolation or inclination because of profound contrast will incredibly chop down. The area will non add profound disbursals to its financial plan go forthing it with more financess to indict other region issues or occupations. Agnostic can other than be endured and their positions heard. Opportunity of look is significantly advanced in these social orders. Majority rules system is other than advanced. On the different manus, if area is non separate from confidence it will bring about overabundance disbursals. There is less resistance of different beliefs and their example as can be seen in topographic focuses like Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E, Yemen and Israel, all things considered, towards Muslims. Strict articulations are considered as law. Agnosticism each piece great as awful talking the confidence will be viewed as irregularity and may even be deserving of perish as observed during the congregation s amazing catch in Europe. Nonetheless, a portion of the favorable circumstances above can other than transform into these inconveniences while a portion of the hindrances transform into focal points. For outline, resilience of paganism can take to its boundless and the reduction in confidence as confirm in Europe with the happening to unbelieving Enlightened scholars. In spite of the fact that there was no resistance in many states, the Netherlands permitted these individuals to print the greater part of their plants and in making so helped the spread of atheism. Popular government can be supposed to be very exaggerated in light of the fact that most territories rehearsing it can other than strife on the privileges of others and non digest their otherworldly opportunity. For outline, the statute that was passed in France by President Nicholas Sarkozy to prevent Muslim grown-up females from covering their caput encroached on their opportunity of confidence and look. So b
Saturday, July 11, 2020
How to Choose Your Favorite Topic for Your Essay
How to Choose Your Favorite Topic for Your EssayDeciding on the ideal dystopian essay topic is often challenging. But the selection can also be difficult because of the ever changing landscape of controversial topics. Many years ago you would have found no topics considered subversive, now there are many that might be read by a large number of people, and many that are controversial but hardly unique.In fact, to avoid any possible legal repercussions in your nation, many people are opting for topics that could be deemed controversial by the state and by the powers that be in the national governments. So how do you find an essay topic to give the best impact?The first thing you need to consider is whether the topic can be well taken, and should you have to show much of your life story or not. For this, research online as many Internet sites as you can. Start reading about the books and movies that interest you, the times that interest you, and the people that fascinate you.I would rec ommend that you read fiction books, which are full of surprises. You can look up the 'Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark' series for horror stories. Horror stories are a great topic, if you have read them, since many people are interested in scary stories.Another topic that intrigues many is the tragedy. If you have a literary bent, reading these tragic stories can be a bit overwhelming, but there are many fun, and sad topics that thrill readers.What about current events? Well, these are more popular than ever, so if you think you might have something to say, it is a good idea to choose one of these topics.Of course, the Internet is the most valuable resource when it comes to dystopian essay topics. Look up those in which you find interest, and make notes on things that you like. Then, you need to seek out the most informative and high quality material online.So while researching the topics, be sure to include some of your own stories, since this will make the essay topic all the mor e enjoyable. It will provide a more personal touch and make the essay easier to write.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
How to Design Your Educational Philosophy
While going through their own education, teachers are tasked with developing an educational philosophy, which is a teachers personal statement detailing her guiding principles about such education-related issues as how students learn best, as well as the role of educators in the classroom, school, community, and society. The educational philosophy statement is an essential document because it conveys your most personal thoughts and beliefs on education. This philosophy serves an important role in the lives of many educators and can be a tool to help you not only craft your teachings but also help you find a job and further your career. Educational Philosophy Basics An educational philosophy refers to a teachers vision of the grander purpose of education and its role in society.Educational philosophy questions involve such issues as a teachers vision of her role as a teacher, her view of how students learn best, and her basic goals for her students.An educational philosophy should guide a teachers discussions in job interviews, and it should be communicated to students and their parents. Questions to Consider When writing your educational philosophy statement, think about not just your classroom management style but also your beliefs on education. From differentiated learning and teaching styles to the role of the teacher in the classroom, consider the following questions to help you frame your philosophy. Suggested answers follow each question. What do you believe is the grander purpose of education in a society and community? You might answer that you believe education is a pivotal driver of change, advancement, and equality in society.What, specifically, is the role of the teacher in the classroom? The role of a teacher is to use classroom instruction and presentations to help students learn and apply concepts in math, English, and science.How do you believe students learn best? Students learn best in a warm and supportive environment where they feel the teacher truly cares about them and their success.In general, what are your goals for your students? A teachers primary goals are to help students figure out who they are and how they can be of service to their community. What qualities do you believe an effective teacher should have? An effective teacher needs to have a basic sociocultural awareness of and acceptance of his own and others cultural identities.Do you believe that all students can learn? A good teac her certainly believes that each student can learn; the key is understanding what educational methods work best for each student and then catering instruction to each students individual needs.What do teachers owe their students? Teachers owe passion to their studentsâ€â€a passion for the subjects they teach, their instruction, and a desire to help students succeed.What is your overall goal as a teacher? The overall goal for a teacher is multifaceted: to make learning fun and inspire students to find a love of learning; to create an organized classroom; to ensure that expectations are clear and grading is fair, and to incorporate the best available teaching strategies.How do you create an inclusive learning environment? Students come from a variety of socioeconomic and demographic backgrounds and can vary greatly in cognitive ability and learning styles. A teacher needs to strive to incorporate instructional methods that consider all of the varied backgrounds and learning abilit ies of students.How do you incorporate new techniques, activities, and types of learning into your teaching? A teacher should stay abreast of the latest educational research and incorporate best-practice methods into his instructional methods and strategies. (Best practice refers to existing practices that possess a high level of widely agreed effectiveness.) Your educational philosophy can guide your discussions in job interviews, be placed in a teaching portfolio, and even be communicated to students and their parents. Many schools use these statements to find teachers and administrators whose approach to education aligns with the schools mission and philosophies. However, dont craft a statement that you think the school wants to read; craft an educational philosophy statement that represents who you are as an educator. Schools want you to be genuine in your approach. Sample Educational Philosophy Statement A full philosophy statement should include an introductory paragraph, along with at least four additional paragraphs; it is essentially an essay. The introductory paragraph states the authors point of view, while the other paragraphs discuss the kind of classroom the author would like to provide, the teaching style the author would like to use, the way the author would facilitate learning so that students are engaged, and the authors overall goal as a teacher. The body of your educational philosophy statement might include a statement like this: I believe that a teacher is morally obligated to enter the classroom with only the highest of expectations for each and every one of her students. Thus, the teacher maximizes the positive benefits that naturally come along with any self-fulfilling prophecy; with dedication, perseverance, and hard work, her students will rise to the occasion. I aim to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each day. I believe that I owe it to my students, as well as the community, to bring consistency, diligence, and warmth to my job in the hope that I can ultimately inspire and encourage such traits in the children as well. The Evolution of Your Educational Philosophy Statement You may actually change your educational philosophy statement throughout your career. Updating your educational philosophy is important to ensure that it will always reflect your current opinion on education. You can use this tool to stay focused on your goals, keep yourself moving forward, and stay true to who you are as an educator.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Parents Sexual Orientation Can Have An Impact On...
parenthood and will be extremely motivated and are well resourced. The purpose of this study was to investigate how parents’ sexual orientation can have an impact on their children’s lives. However, Goldberg Kashy Smith (2012) suggested that future studies should not only control parental characteristics, but also cautiously examine the children in each group of families. They concluded that investigators should be aware of the results before concluding what influence parental sexual orientation had on children’s gender development, due to the lack of clarity in the field. Goldberg Kashy Smith (2012) stated that some lesbian mothers contribute in many ways when it comes to fostering masculine traits in their sons and feminine traits in their daughters. Altogether, Goldberg Kashy Smith (2012) have progressed the debate on the idea that parental gender draws attention to the growing and continuing studies of parental sexual orientation and gender roles and ho w that affects child development, in order to educate society. Jacson, Ianlongo and Stollak (1986) studied the relationships between three parental factors and the presence of both masculine and feminine traits in young adults. Both parents and children self-related femininity and masculinity were also examined. There were a total of 184 participants (75 males and 109 females) chosen from a population of 1780 undergraduates who completed the Short Form of the Bem Sex Role Inventory at the beginning of the term.Show MoreRelatedIssue of Gay Marriage1216 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Two strangers become friends and later fall in love. They tell their friends and family that they have each found their soul mate and they intend to get married as soon as possible. There is only one issue preventing them from getting married, not financial issues, and there are no love triangles. Depending on where they live, their marriage may not be recognized in the state they live in. The right of gay and lesbian couples to marry has been debated for many years with valid reasons supportingRead MoreSexual Orientation1220 Words  | 5 PagesOver the years sexual orientation has been an issue in our society. Many people are against homosexuality and bisexuality. Sexual orientation is generally one of three main categories, heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Heterosexual is someone who is attracted to members of the opposite sex. A homosexual is someone that is attracted to members of the same sex. And, a bisexual person is one that is attracted to members of both sexes. There are other categories of sexual orientation. Some peopleRead MoreThe Sexual Orientation Of Parents Essay1707 Words  | 7 PagesStacey, J., Biblarz, T. J. (2001). (How) does the sexual orientation of parents matter? American Sociological Review, 66(2), 159-183. The goal of this study was to dispute the negative â€Å"heterosexism†perceptions attached to the development of children with parents who identify as gay and lesbian. The authors focused on the analysis of previous research findings, comparing the outcomes of the children from heterosexual single-mothers and homosexual parents, particularly lesbian mothers. TheseRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words  | 6 Pages Gay parents! Yes I said it.What kind of impact do gay couples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay†parent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†​There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S†(Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agenciesRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words  | 6 Pages Gay parents! Yes I said it.What kind of impact do gay couples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay†parent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†​There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S†(Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agenciesRead MoreLearning At Soonest Age, By The Age Of Eight Weeks1086 Words  | 5 Pages By the age of eight weeks, toddlers can distinguish between the different sexes coordinating with them. This various quality, in itself, gives adolescents a broader, healthier experience of separating socially coordinated efforts  particularly for kids brought up by emerging sexual introduction. Whether they comprehend it or not, adolescents are learning at soonest age, by total feeling that all sexes are unmistakable and have hybrid systems for overseeing life, other adults, and child. FathersRead MoreThe Nature And Nurture Of The Human Sexuality932 Words  | 4 Pagesnature part of the human sexuality is the expression of sexual sensation and related intimacy between human beings, it is a natural behaviour of what makes us human, its also a way to express the fullness of love between a man and a woman. The title sexuality becomes easier to understand when it is divided into three section of sexual orientation, sexual behaviour, and sexual identity. The first part points out the nature of a persons basic sexual attraction to other people. This may be others fromRead MoreThe Importance Of Choosing And Completing An Experiential Learning Task1662 Words  | 7 Pagesfavorite blend of coffee. What would happen if you didn’t drink coffee and changed this routine? How would you react? What would you do instead? What would you realize? Habits have this insurmountable power that can shape every aspect of our lives. From the way we dress, to what we eat, to how we communicate can all reflect back to comfort, personality, and routine with controlling aspects in our lives. We act this way because society believes it is acceptable or we dress this way to remain professionalRead MoreGender And Sexual Identity Within Funhome 1536 Words  | 7 Pages Gender and Sexual Identity within â€Å"Funhome†In the novel â€Å"Fun Home†, the main character and author, Alison Bechdel, struggles to identify her sexual orientation while discovering that her father is a closet homosexual pedophile. The theme of sexual and gender identity is very apparent throughout the novel mainly due to the fact that Alison is struggling to identify that she is a lesbian and the fact that her dad is also gay.Alison and her dad struggled to assume the â€Å"proper†gender rolesRead MoreGays Should Have A Positive Impact On A Child s Life1441 Words  | 6 Pages Every child in foster care, and adoption agencies deserve to have a family regardless of the parents Sexual orientation. The United States is considered a liberal country if that is so, then homosexuals should have the right to adopt a child in the United States. Homosexuals adopting will have a positive impact on a child s life. The child will finally have a stable home and family to grow up in. The article mentions how children adopted by homosexuals are mentally stable. In the article â€Å"Homosexusals
Health and Safety at Workplace Increasing Industrialization
Question: Describe about the Health and Safety at Workplace for Increasing Industrialization. Answer: Introduction to health and safety at work Increase in industrialization has increase the risk for workers. Health and safety at work are based on law prepared by the organization. A good health and safety system leads to participation, leadership and accountability to business and workers. The main purpose of health and safety at workplace is that the workers and employers should be given highest level of protection. It is mandatory by law of governance to focus on the health of workers. It is recommended to protect the workers and employers against their health and welfare by minimizing the risk at workplace. There should be co-operation between the employers and workplace representation should be fairly maintained for resolution of the issues. Physical and mental state of workers is maintained in the organization. Information should be provided, appropriate training must be given and proper advice should be provided related to health and safety at work. Participation is mandatory for both workers and employees in the training program in order to achieve healthy environment. Workers spend their whole time in the organization so it is important to keep the environment safe. To secure the employees safety measure in adherence to the act with appropriate recommendation is provided. An object is provided for the improvement and to achieve the higher standards of health and safety. Health and safety at workplace is mandatory for all businesses for both small and large scale businesses without levying any cost to the organization. Allowing the staff to work in the way they fit. Employers with the better work balance are likely to work harder and stay with the organization for a longer period of time (Elsler, 2012). Focus on Specific Area The first activity is focus on health and safety at workplace. This activity is the part of an employee health and safety improvement. Programs are organized to achieve a healthy and better life. Workers participation is compulsory and sharing information about health and safety. There are certain rules and regulations framed by the organization which requires adhering to certain duties. Combined rule at workplace for the use of hazardous substance. Government agencies are appointed for designing safety functions. Health and safety at work doesnt apply to someone who is self employed, not an employee of the organization. Health and safety at work sets some general duties towards employers and employees at the work place. The duty of the employers and employees to protect the people from risk which arise out of health and safety, for example: clients and customers. Importance of Research Te key factor in health and safety is that it applies to all who are at work. There are certain exceptions where health and safety doesnt apply. Health and Safety is not just about following the law but being socially responsible as well. Corrective measures taken on health and safety reduce accident and losses. And t also makes good business sense. An organizational workplace must have acceptable standards of behaviour for all employees, how the work is to be carried out which can affect the workers and others which are related to certain duties at the workplace. An organization is a place where work is done in a systematic manner on a particular period of time. Young people might be at risk because they lack experience and judgement and they need better advice and supervision. Theoretical and Practical Significance of the Research Understanding the risk assessment and management used in organization. It needs to perform risk assessment of various occupational health and safety. To monitor the safety rules with international and national standards and highlighting the incident reporting. Actions plans need to be developed. Ethical values are considered n occupational health and safety. The authors have suggested that relation between checking and personality should be explored. There are many factors which influence health care checking procedures and checking performance. Findings Checking is a part of personality and behaviour of every human activity. There are several psychological factors related to patient are safety measures, responsibility which are important to health and safety. Areas that are Missing in Existent Literature, and the Research Aims to Investigate Research has been done that employees should be given training related to safety measures at workplace to avoid any circumstances which will rise out of working environment. It is about the work which can create impact on workers health and the way the health can create impact on them working safely. Health condition may include physical and mental state of a person for their illness. Training programs must be conducted every six months so that every employee will considered them safe in the working environment. . There are certain obligations in the organization are that whosoever creates the risk will manage the risk. Focus on work related health is about the interaction between the employers work and their health is discussed in the training. General to Specific Discussion It has been studied that assessing the risk and to act on the identified risk so that it can be reduced. Workers are provided with the training and information about health and safety. Experienced supervisor must be appointed to look after the workplace. (Regulation 3) Problem Statement According to the research it has been evaluated that training is the main part for employees in an organization. There are limited source of existing data to identify the personnel and employees safety. To identify the hazards and the task which are not in a systematic manner is necessary. To keep a note on the programs which are organized meet the requirements of the employees. Members of the army carrying out operational activities, a person who is not the member of the armed forces but support them to carry out operational activities and any military or navy carrying out operational activities. All types of business and working activities are covered under health and safety work for example relationship between franchisor and franchisee that the policies and procedures are developed to ensure the conformance by both the parties. The main duty is to ensure health and safety which includes: how will the risk occur and what the probability are of risk getting occurred, how difficult the harm might occur from dangerous risk, taking preventive measures to minimize risk and cost of minimizing the risk. Literature Review Health and safety measures should be checked regularly as to make the changes accordingly. Discussion must be done on regular basis with the employees to identify the issues, check the feedback and updating the status of the procedure. Managing safety at workplace starts with three steps. There are four types of duty holders under safety measures. First is the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) which may be in group, individual or organizations. A sole trader can also be a PCBU. The main duty of PCBU is to ensure health and safety which includes: how will the risk occur and what the probability are of risk getting occurred, how difficult the harm might occur from dangerous risk, taking preventive measures to minimize risk and cost of minimizing the risk (Oeij, Nicolescu Elsler, 2012) (2012). Secondly workers have their own health and safety to take care of them. Workers may be employees, managers. Lastly other persons at workplace include visitors they also have their own health and safety at the work place. Overall Trend Discovered after Thorough Literature Review: From the review it was being observed that what the cause of the harm was. Some may be very common to the organization. It is a legal requirement to discuss the safety rules with them as they are the responsible people who are going to do the job and contribute to the organization. There is need to ask them about the tasks if in case they are finding it difficult and listening to their ideas (Hughes Ferrett, 2015). Looking into every task at workplace and finding the cause. All injuries are not immediate but some are developed immediately and some are caused by the objects that are hidden and suddenly they overcome. Going through the past records which my show the problem from where does it has arrived (Pena, Wismar Cook, 2013). Summary of the Articles Reviewed: It has been reviewed that the most vital role played is giving mandatory trainings to employees on health and safety. Providing safe environment is the main priority for productivity. Regular health check-ups must be conducted for the benefit of the employees. Research about the Specific Organization: According to the study it has been identified that centre of ergonomics are the international leaders in research practice of employees for the staff. There are different types of safety measures and training provided to the employees. Main purpose is to cover the objectives and scope which can be explained and descriptive in nature. Following points are covered under the organization: Assess the Risk Once we have done with the hazards we need to overcome with cause of injury or disease. Employers and employees need to supervise regularly about the cause to avoid the rise for other hazardous things (Niebel, 2013). Fix the Problems The primary need is to remove the risk totally. For example the risk involves dangerous chemical so the safer way is to replace the chemical with any other material. If there is no possibility of removing risk totally than new methods should be found out to do the jobs or change the procedure. Talking to the different people of different organization and to see how they have handled the similar problem. In this entire process there must be involvement of employees. These three steps are mandatory for business or organization but they are also mandatory by law as well. Training the Staff Before starting the work the staff needs to be trained properly n an effective manner to work safely. Record must be kept of the staff about who is trained and who is not. Regularly reviews are done of all work practices done by staff. Before any work a photocopied leaflet must be provided to the staffs that describes what exactly is to be done in regards of safety and health. It should be monitored that they have understood. Details of the Gaps: The training programs incur the cost which directly increases the revenue of the organization. But increase in revenue doesnt mean the growth of skills of employees but the level of satisfaction of employees is important. Emergency Situations: This is the main part of safety rule. Instructions are provided to the employees to identify emergency situation, all the relevant information related to emergency and evacuation should be posted at the workplace (Goetsch, 2013). Any serious incident is to be reported immediately. There are emergency contact provided to the employees at time of induction and also they are evacuated at the workplace. Monitoring Health of the Employees Regular health checkups needs to be arranged by the organization for an employee so find out whether the employee is not getting harmed by the hazardous objects due to noise or certain objects. Records are to be maintained of all medical checkups which play important role to improve the safety of the organization. Most of the things discussed are not new and mostly all things are done but the important thing is to get organized. Health and safety is not a separate issue but it is an important part if the organization in managing the business. Giving attention and by providing the resources the desired result is achieved. Avoiding injuries is the important thing and good safety and health can figure out the companys margin. There are certain rules and legal obligations about health and safety which needs to be achieved otherwise the employee may be fined There is great Hazardous example related to Manual Handling. Moving a stock in manufacturing company, carrying parts in the factory or picking the bundle of files, every job in every industry or organization involves manual handling (Taris, 2014). This may lead to employees risk, serious back pains and injuries. This is the major health and safety issue severe back pains and injuries may lead to the loss of work and loss of work may leads to loss of business as well. So this is where the three steps come into existence. First is to make the list of manual handling tasks and exclude all which are likely to cause risk to the workers. Include anything which requires lifting, pulling and carrying. Second is the risk where the list is prepare of manual handling task and rank is given to those by which there is a great harm. After they are ranked than they are put into safety action plan. If these activities are creating a serious loss to the organization then it has to be stopped immediately (Oeij, Nicolescu Elsler, 2012). Manual handling problems vary from one industry to other. Industry may be different and the problems of reducing risk of manual handling also vary. To avoid the risk the amount of manual handling done by employees must be reduced or the workplace needs to be changed which eliminates lifting, carrying or minimize the use of it. Use of trolleys must be done on regular basis as they are safer to use also faster and convenient. Training for safety manual handling Training is provided to the employees to know the correct use of tools and handle the heavy equipments. Posters are attached at the workplace to remind the employees of the proper handling and proper use of tools and machine. All the equipments must be used safely and should be properly maintained and they must me supervised regularly (Conte, 2016). Work stations The workstation where the work is carried out must be clean and tidy to avoid any circumstances. Workstations include desk, chair, computer and telephone. To dispose of the unused data by keeping the desk clean this is also known as clear desk policy. Instructions are already given about how to use the workstation than it is needed to be followed. Employers must be co-operative with all these things. House Keeping The floors of the organization should be clear and clean to avoid slip or fall. Cables should be kept tidy and restricted to prevent them from becoming dangerous. To keep books and files at the height of the waist should try. Heavy materials should not be kept at the height of our level but it should be kept at level of the waist so that it can be easily carried out. Incident Reporting All incidents must be reported as soon as possible to the safety department to avoid reoccurrence, to implement control measures. In case of fire a fire alarm is activated. In case of fire emergency exits are used and all the employees are needed to assemble at the assembly point of the organization for the safety of the employees. Use of elevators is prohibited at the time of fire. Collect the personal belongings only if its manageable and can be done quickly and easily. Emergency evacuation plans are attached on the walls which guides the employees at the time of emergency exit. Fire drills are done in the organization at the specific point of time to help employees the better understanding of it at the time of evacuation. On each floor of the organization there are minimum of two fire wardens which help employees at high time. Safety Checklist To know the legal responsibility of the organization and ensure all the levels including the board receives the health and safety advice. First aid statement must be provided. Incident must be reported. Review and Audit Audit and inspection programme are kept in the organization quarterly to ensure the safety policy followed by the employee. Inspection and audit action plans are prepared. Identify the risk and risk assessment control. Understanding the risk and reading properly before act (Hawkins, 2014). Methodology A Research Study on Safety at Work place The performance of employee is important in organizational success. Organization should conduct training programs to improve employees performance as well as knowledge and skills. According to the policy employees feedback and experience are also important. The study has found an impact on health and safety to find employees performance effective. Method of Data Collection The data is collected on the basis of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative data involves analysis, interviews with employees and the supervisors. The survey is done of the employees about the programs which are carried out. The data has been collected and then it is presented. But the data collected by superiors are in a structured manner. The quantitative data has been obtained from the books, newspapers, research articles, websites and magazines. Participants Involved: The participants involved in research will be the top level managers in a structured interview and in case of survey 20 employees will be included. The participants are necessary to make a review about the organizations policy. It is necessary to know the organizations policy is working according to the regulations of the organization. Sampling Method: The sampling method applied is Stratified sampling Method, as the employees are selected randomly, but on the basis of criteria. The person must be the employee of the particular organization. The employee must be having experience in the particular field. Independent and Dependent Variables: Employee motivation and satisfaction level of the employee is dependent variable, while the training program is independent variable. Instruments of Research Employed: The research will organize interviews with the managers of the organization, and will also conduct a survey on the employees working in the same. Also questionnaire is prepared for the survey. Method Data Analysis: The data collected through questionnaire and the interview will be analyzed by the descriptive method, as this will help in transforming raw data into a form, which in turn will help in easy and quick analysis and interpretation of the collected data. Time Duration of the Research: The interview will be conducted over telephone, and hence the collection of the data derived from the interview can be done in 4weeks, while the reviewing of the questionnaire and the collected data will take around 5weeks. Hence, the time required will be approximately two month. Once the data is analyzed, the final report will be sent to the organization. Potential limitations of the Research: The study is applicable to whole of the organization and industry. The time taken for performing research activity is limited. Effective arrangements are provided to workers for safety rules. Frequent health and safety trainings must be provided at least once in a year. Brainstorming sessions are conducted to avoid stressful situation. Induction is conducted for the workers to make them comfortable about the working environment. Proper training must be given to workers for avoiding accidents. Inspections are done regularly at the work place to ensure the higher level of safety. Conclusion It has been concluded that health and safety measures are given to workers according to the law. Workers are unaware about the safety rules as they lack knowledge in the specific area. Ideas are given to avoid accidents and improve safety measures. Employees should be satisfied with the regulations of the company. Co-ordination between management and the workers should be well maintained to improve safety measures. If a company chooses any procedure then it will help the company to follow the policy. The availability of management in this field is very important. Research Gaps: Most of the articles are reflecting on the importance of training programs which leads to increase in annual revenue of a concerned company. However, the research undertaken will help in the attraction of new employees, while also ensuring high maximum satisfaction of the workforce. Potential users of the Research: The potential users of the research will be the top level authorities so that the organization will be able to improve its training program. The main objective is to look after the health and safety measures of the employees of thee organization. To understand the workers at the workplace is necessary (Elsler, 2012). Identify activity of management who are playing an important role. Suggestions are given to the employees for improving safety in an organization. References Freivalds, A., Niebel, B. (2013).Niebel's Methods, Standards, Work Design. Mcgraw-Hill higher education. Hughes, P., Ferrett, E. (2015).Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction: For the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety. Routledge. Landy, F. J., Conte, J. M. (2016).Work in the 21st Century, Binder Ready Version: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. John Wiley Sons. Zanko, M., Dawson, P. (2012). Occupational health and safety management in organizations: A review.International Journal of Management Reviews,14(3), 328-344. Schaufeli, W. B., Taris, T. W. (2014). A critical review of the Job Demands-Resources Model: Implications for improving work and health. InBridging occupational, organizational and public health(pp. 43-68). Springer Netherlands. Manu, P., Ankrah, N., Proverbs, D., Suresh, S. (2013). Mitigating the health and safety influence of subcontracting in construction: The approach of main contractors.International Journal of Project Management,31(7), 1017-1026. Santos, G., Barros, S., Mendes, F., Lopes, N. (2013). The main benefits associated with health and safety management systems certification in Portuguese small and medium enterprises post quality management system certification.Safety science,51(1), 29-36. Brauer, R. L. (2016).Safety and health for engineers. John Wiley Sons. Scanlon, K. A., Lloyd, S. M., Gray, G. M., Francis, R. A., LaPuma, P. (2015). An approach to integrating occupational safety and health into life cycle assessment: Development and application of work environment characterization factors.Journal of industrial ecology,19(1), 27-37. Urbach, D. R., Govindarajan, A., Saskin, R., Wilton, A. S., Baxter, N. N. (2014). Introduction of surgical safety checklists in Ontario, Canada.New England Journal of Medicine,370(11), 1029-1038. Wells, J., Hawkins, J. (2014). Promoting Construction Health and Safety through Procurement: A briefing note for developing countries. Goetsch, D. L. (2013).Construction safety and health. NJ: Pearson. Chang, C., Minkler, M., Salvatore, A. 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Thursday, April 23, 2020
Solar Energy Essays (1618 words) - Renewable Energy,
Solar Energy Ever since the dawn of time, the sun has been a resource we cannot live or do without, so its not such a shock that man has come up with the idea of solar energy. Solar energy had many uses. Some can be dangerous and some, a very valuable asset to the modern world. I. What is solar energy? A. Who was the first person to use solar energy? B. When was it used? C. Where was solar energy first put to use? II. What are some of the uses of solar energy? A. Solar roof 1. Who invented it? 2. When was it invented? 3. What was it used for? 4. How does it work? B. Solar cooker 1. Who invented the first one? 2. When was it invented? 3. How does it work? 4. What is it used for? C. Solar oven 1. Who developed it? 2. When was it developed? 3. What does it look like? 4. How does it work? III. What are some of the dangers of solar energy(used today or otherwise) A. Laser 1. What is it? 2. How does laser work? B. Ultra-Violet Rays (UV rays) 1. Who discovered UV rays? 2. When was it discovered? 3. In what way is it dangerous? 4. How can we protect ourselves from this? IV. Conclusion A. What are some uses of solar energy around our household? 1. List some examples C. Thoughts on Solar energy 1. What we think of solar energy 2. Poll results A Primitive Resource: Solar Energy and Its Many Uses Ever since the dawn of time, the sun has been a resource we cannot live or do without, so its not such a shock that man has come up with the idea of solar energy. Solar energy had many uses. Some can be dangerous and some, a very valuable asset to the modern world. Solar energy is energy derived from the sun in a form of ultra-violet rays. Its was first applied to use in 212 B.C., by the Greek genius Archimedes. Solar energy was used to defend the habor of Syracuse against the Roman fleet. Archimedes used a mirror or "burning mirror" as they had called it, to set fire to the ships of the Roman fleets while standing on shore (McDaniels 83). It wasn't until 1615 when Salomon de Caux constructed the first solar device; a solar engine. His device was made of glass lenses, supporting frame, and an airtight metal vessel containing water and air. This produced a small water fountain when the air heated up during operation. This was considered to be more of a toy than a device, but it was the first published account of the use of solar energy since the fall of the Roman Empire (Cheremisinoff 1). Some other use of solar energy after that was the solar roof and the solar oven. The solar roof was thought up by Harold Hay. In a solar roof system, water is contained in a clear plastic bag and it is placed on a black metal roof. Hay got the idea while traveling in India on a technical aid mission for the U.S government. While there, he noticed that many people were living in rusty, sheet metal shacks, which were hot in the day and cold at night. Hay's plan was to remove the insulation from the roof on winter days so that the roof would get hot, and Replacing the insulation at night to allow the shack to be warm through the night. Then in the summer, he would so the reverse of what he did in winter to let the house cool at night and replacing the insulation in the daytime to block out the heat. Then over the years, Hay and a man named John Yellott constructed a 3- by 3.7-m building using water basins as the actual roofing material. During the summer, a slab of foam insulation was rolled back at night, and the water would become cold through the night sky evaporation. Since the water supply sat directly on a metal ceiling, it absorbed the heat from the room and kept the building air-conditioned all day. During the winter, the movable insulation was rolled back in the daytime which allowed for it to collect heat. This generated enough heat into the house through the ceiling at night to keep the room comfortable (McDaniels 179-181). Then there was the solar cooker. Developed by Augustin Mouchot in France and by John Ericsson in
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Self Defence essays
Self Defence essays Women are targeted by many criminals because they seem fragile and cannot defend themselves. Many women panic in the state of attack causing them to be easily overtaken. A womans best form of defense is her mind. Some ways in which a woman can defend herself seem strange but are actually very intelligent. In many self defense classes women are taught to remain calm and use their head in serious situations. Women often carry all their important belongings in a purse. One easy way for a woman to guard her purse is to keep an eye on suspicious looking people. If a woman suspects someone is following her or trying to steal her purse, she should turn around and startle them by saying something unexpected. A good example of this is when an elderly woman, having sensed someone following her, turned around looked the thief straight in the face and said, Dont I know your mother? Startled by the woman, the criminal quickly ran in the opposite direction. I believe that a womans intuition is important women can sense things before they happen. Many people on the run often like to take joyrides in other peoples vehicles. When a womans car is over taken by an intruder she usually panics and tries to regain control. This technique puts the woman at a greater chance of getting killed in a car accident than by the car-jacker. One woman was faced with being held hostage by a man that jumped in her car. This woman remained calm and dialed 911 on her cell phone and placed it on her lap, without him noticing. The woman recited everything she saw giving the police hints to locate her. The police, having heard their entire conversation, quickly spotted the car. The woman was safely rescued and the man arrested. Many women would have panicked in this situation but this woman used her wit which might have saved her life. Many men find sick situations to be amu ...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
#1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
#1 - Essay Example As such, the seven sins as provided by Brown are applicable in describing the nature of man and the character that may dwell in him if controlled by them. Besides, Brown names seven virtues which are cardinals to human living. These, he relates to faith, hope charity, prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. The temperance of a person determines the ability to take charge and respond to a situation properly and whether hot or cold, it must be controlled. By virtue, man lives by faith and hope, it is what keeps him going and living. In the event of acquiring more wealth, it is good to be helpful and have mercy to others. This is a true virtue of charity (Olsson, pg.80). The traits provided are guidelines to what human character should be based on. Like Mahatma Gandhi wrote, knowledge without character and science without humanity could be among the blunders that cause violence. It is also true to note that a society lacking the necessary virtues and possesses by the described sins may be a plagued
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Economic Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Economic Analysis - Research Paper Example If we consider the production function where Q is the level of output, then Q = F (K, L) output is a function of both capital and labour, however to determine the optimum level of output that will maximize profit we will have to consider the cost of one unit of labour and one unit of capital and further consider the budgeted amount. Given that the cost of one unit of labour is 5 pounds and that the cost of one unit of capital is ten pounds and that our budget for both costs is 100 pounds then our optimum point will be determined as follows. The maximum amount of capital that can be purchased is 100/10 = 10 and the maximum amount of labour that can be purchased is 100/5 = 20, this information will help us determine the budget line. The next thing to consider is the isoquant, isoquant are curves that depict the possible output that is derived from two factors of productions which in this case are capital and labour The isoquant depicts the level of output that can be produced by different combinations of capital and labour, we determine the most optimum combination of capital and labour by determining the point where the budget line touches the isoquant, and therefore our most optimum levels of capital is C' and for labour its L' as shown above. Therefore the information that we need to collect is the unit cost of both capital and labour and the budgeted amount so as to determine the budget line and also we need information that will help us determine the isoquant. Question 2A When determining on what to produce either cooking pans or sinks we need to determine the cost of producing in terms of capital and labour for each item and also the market price of each item, given that the level of capital and labour are fixed in this case then we have to determine the optimum level of output for both products. This analysis will take the form of the consumer utility maximizing function where there exist two products, the utility function will represent the revenue collected by the firm and the two products which the consumer chooses will represent the two products produced by the firm. Example If in total we have 200 units of resources (both capital and labour) and that one sink requires 10 units of resources and one cooking pan requires 5 units of resources, then the maximum units of sink that can be produced is 200/10 = 20 and for the cooking pans is 200/ 5 = 40, The revenue curve will be determined by the market price of both products, it combines the possible amount of revenue that can be obtained by different combinations of cooking pans and sinks, the additional information needed therefore is the market price for both products and the amount of resources needed to produce each product. Question 2B In the long run the firm will tend to expand its production capacity in order to produce the optimum amount of both products, when the firm increases its capacity more products will be produced in order to realise economies of scale, however the average cost of production for the firm will decrease in the short run but will increase in the long run The long run and short run average cost curve The average cost curve will decrease in
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Dwight D Eisenhower Contributions towards the USA Revolution Research Paper
Dwight D Eisenhower Contributions towards the USA Revolution - Research Paper Example Later on in life, he was married and had a family of two sons, serving as the Chief of Staff in the Army during the presidency of Harry Truman. He ventured into politics in 1952 and won with a clear majority defeating Democrat candidate Adlai Stevenson, himself being a Republican. During his reign as the United States President, he oversaw many political and social changes with the help of Richard Nixon his Vice President. In his presidency the implementation of the Highway Act cannot be overlooked and its importance in the transformation of American infrastructure and commerce. The country before his reign president had experienced great transformations in the automobile sector and ownership of cars had increased necessitating new and well-maintained roads. His National System of the Interstate and defense Highways was a great innovation that helped in the transformation of America (Bennett 451). The new highway system, arguably the greatest public works project to be engaged in Ame rica in its History, aided the speed of transport. However, every great side has a dark shadow and so did his noble idea. The great highway system is directly linked to hindering growth of cities, destruction of neighborhoods, and greatly hurt the environment. The great Interstate Highway system had elements of being helpful and at the same time destructive as has been argued by historian Evan Bennett who raised a question as to whether the highways were to ruin or highways to heaven.The highway was constructed in pursuant to the 1956 Federal Act.... The highway was constructed in pursuant to the 1956 Federal Act on aid to highways, following major campaigns by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The highway forms the second longest road in the world with its present day 47,182 miles its first phase having taken 35 years for construction. The need for the highway at that time was rife following the unsafe roads that had numerous accidents and had recorded high numbers of deaths than before its inception. The President’s quest to have the road constructed was reinforced by the defense part, as there were great fears of the Cold War (Mumford 234). His belief and support for construction of new highways is traced back to 1919 when he joined the first United States Army’s Cross-Country Motor Transport Train. The team was on a mission to learn how motor vehicles would cross the country (Whitman 70). He attributed his vision of the highway from Germany, which had made him see the wisdom of broader ribbons across America inste ad of two-lane highways (Murphy 50). Dwight D. Eisenhower took immediate action upon assuming office, writing a proposal to Congress on the creation of transcontinental highway system (Murphy 50). He signed the act on highways into law on June 26, 1956 that provide for federal government funding of the project to a tune of 90%. The states in this case contributed only 10% of the funding. The immediate negative effects of the construction were the increases in gasoline and tire taxes to fund the project (Faber 26). The highway also saw the first standardization across states in America making the roads less dangerous than before the inception of the highway (Frissell 2). The highway system did not benefit the transport sector only, but had other economic effects on different sectors. Faster
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Sex during the Victorian Era Essay -- discrimation, sex, women
The Victorian era brought about many changes and the introduction of new things. One issue that stood out was â€Å"The Sex.†Many things evolved around this issue like changes in laws all over, it became a topic for literary poets/ writers and also for the woman question. This term means discrimination based on a person’s sex and during the 19th century this was a vast issue toward women. This all Started from the early Victorian era with queen victoria, who was the monarch of the united kingdom of Great Britain from 1837- 1901. Being the queen she played a very substantial role during this time. As a wife she showed a domestic side. She supported Prince Albert, had his children, became very submissive and devoted to her husband a family. This image she portrayed became a trend to the outside world. Most people looked at this as what the ideal woman was during this era. The sex was a topic that began to spread and women started to fight for their voices to be heard. There were introductions of new laws in many countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and etcetera....
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Nicolò Paganini
When Paganini walked along the street, people eyed him closely, wondering whether they might detect his cloven foot-a mark of the devil. Once, shortly before he was to go onstage, he felt a nail in his shoe, which caused him to limp slightly as he arrived on the podium. Some members of the audience looked at each other knowingly, for it was widely believed that there was something mysterious, supernatural about his playing. Even people who did not believe in the devil were convinced of it. Ever since they have tried to discover his secret. For almost a year, an Englishman followed him on his tours, taking an adjoining hotel room and listening constantly. While on the road, however, Paganini hardly ever practiced, and when he briefly warmed up before concerts, he used such a heavy mute that no one could hear him (Prod'Homme 13). Countless books and pamphlets have been written about the secret of his practicing and about other, hitherto unknown, explanations of his virtuosity. Much has been brought to light that is interesting and informative, but no secrets have been revealed. Paganini's accomplishments must be attributed to a handful of quite understandable factors, as is true of above-average achievement in any field. In his case we are aware of great musicality; a distinct talent for the violin that included certain physiological characteristics; a strict practicing regime supervised by his father, who soon noted the unusual gift; and a highly developed desire to excel as an artist. All produced astonishing results (Anders 39). Paganini was born in Genoa in 1782, the son of a dockworker whose hobbies included fortunetelling and playing the violin and mandolin. He taught Nicolà ² both instruments. â€Å"It would be hard to imagine a stricter father,†the boy recalled. Further instruction by two orchestra violinists led to lessons by Giacomo Costa, music director at the cathedral, whose pupil soon performed solos there. This was a customary eighteenth-century venue, as it had been for Tartini, and such appearances in church were occasionally reviewed in the press. On 31 May 1794 a notice was printed in Avvisi, a Genoa newspaper: â€Å"[During high mass] Nicolà ² Paganini, a highly gifted eleven-year-old boy, performed a concerto, for which he was greatly admired.†(Prod'Homme 7-8) Encouraged by such successes, the father entrusted the thirteen-yearold Nicolà ² to Alessandro Rolla, then teaching in Parma. Though Rolla declared that there was nothing he could teach him, he gave his young student a solid foundation in music theory, and probably good advice as well. While in Parma, Nicolà ² also studied counterpoint with Ghiretti and Paà «r, for whom he wrote, among other exercises, twenty-four fugues in parts. Years of intensive practice under the father's strict supervision followed his return home. During this period he acquired the phenomenal command of the violin that amazed musicians and music lovers everywhere (Anders 40-41). Paganini stands at the threshold of a new era in violin playing, if later in life he referred to himself as self-taught, this does not imply a lack of gratitude to his teachers. He developed his very individual style of playing on his own, during his up to twelve hours of daily practice, as he recalled. In 1801 he freed himself of his father's relentless supervision by joining the orchestra in Lucca as a first violinist. Five years later he moved on to the court of Napoleon's sister Elisa Bacciocchi, then princess of Lucca. He remained there until 1809, active as a soloist, music director, orchestra member, and chamber music player. His career as a touring virtuoso did not begin until 1813 when, thirty-one years old, he reaped such spectacular successes in Milan that the world took notice (Anders 42). Paganini was a compulsive gambler who at times came close to being sent to debtor's prison, and who once had to use his violin to pay his debts. In this dilemma, someone presented him with a Guarneri violin so that he could play a concert that had already been scheduled (McGinnis 117). The sensational aspects of Paganini's public appearances were heightened by a wealth of freely invented stories, such as the one about his prison sentence, for which there is absolutely no foundation. While he played the violin in prison, it is related, three strings broke, one after another, until only the G string remained, so that he was forced to develop his uncanny ability to play on one string alone (Athanassoglou-Kallmyer 1). The later â€Å"Moses†Fantasy is one of his compositions demonstrating this skill.) According to another wild story he strangled his wife (in fact, Paganini never married) and used her intestines as raw material for strings. Such stories may have been inspired by the virtuoso's fondness, reminiscent of Don Giovanni's, for the fair sex, which indeed accounted for many romantic adventures in his youth. Stories persisted, even late in his life, about wealthy countesses and others who offered him their money and their everything-stories that of course were good publicity. It is a fact that his profoundly melancholic appearance and his haggard, mephistophelian figure held a strong fascination for women, which he did not mind at all (Prod'Homme 24). Behind the virtuoso facade he cultivated, there was another Paganini-the one who in private gatherings played Beethoven quartets well and with great enthusiasm, including the late quartets. When on tour, he missed no opportunity to hear Fidelio or Don Giovanni. He also was quite fond of older vocal music, especially Palestrina's (Prod'Homme 24). Paganini's fame was restricted to Italy until 1828, when, at the age of forty-six, he traveled to Vienna for his first engagement abroad. The impression he made there defies imagination. The first recital took place on 29 March in the Redoutensaal, filled to capacity (Athanassoglou-Kallmyer 2). All local violinists were there, along with Schubert, the poet Grillparzer, the Esterhà ¡zy family, and everyone who was anyone in the arts and in society. Thirteen more concerts followed, all equally crowded. A veritable Paganini mania broke out (Prod'Homme 35). Strauss wrote a â€Å"Paganini Waltz,†merchants offered Paganini schnitzel, cravats, and haircuts. When Paganini's good business sense led him to raise the price of admission to one gold florin, that coin became known as a â€Å"Paganinerl.†There were poems of fulsome admiration, and the critics outdid each other writing hymns of praise. Until 1831, Paganini chiefly concertized in Germany, residing in Frankfurt on the Main. Some during this period refused to be caught up in the delirious adulation and were all the more critical of the violinist and his mesmerized public. Others were more insightful and understanding of the changing times (Athanassoglou-Kallmyer 1). Serious scholars, eccentrics, journalists, and charlatans ever since have tried to discover the miracle of his playing and its effect on audiences. Some significant details were established, but anyone who tried to build an entire system on such discoveries, even a philosophy of violin playing, lost their credibility. As Flesch (The Art of Violin Playing, vol. 2) said, â€Å"A publication whose title uses the name Paganini as a sales placard impresses one at once as a mere advertising puff†(Flesch 85). Paganini must be credited with inaugurating a new era, not only for violin playing but for instrumental accomplishment in general. The standards he set are still valid in our time. Liszt, a genius, was able by virtue of great effort and superhuman concentration, to adapt Paganini's technique to his own piano playing. It took violinists almost a century to accomplish this for their instrument and to develop pedagogical methods based on Paganini's achievements. Works Cited Anders, G. E. Nicolo Paganini: His life, personality, and secrets. Dover Publications, 1991. Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina. â€Å"Blemished Physiologies: Delacroix, Paganini, and the  Cholera Epidemic of 1832†. The Art Bulletin, Vol. 83, 2001. Flesch, Carl. Art of Violin Playing: Book Two. Carl Fischer Music Dist, 2000. McGinnis Ferguson, Hugh. No Gambling at the casino Paganini. The Phi Beta Kappa Society   in The American Scholar, 1994. Prod'Homme, Jacques Gabriel. Nicolo Paganini. Ams Pr Inc, 1975.  Â
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Importance Of Sacrifice For The Team - 1201 Words
As once said by Jose Mourinho, I think everybody has to be ready to sacrifice for the team, to give everything for the team, to think about the team, not to be selfish. Are you prepared to win every game? Are you willing to put everything you got in one game at a time? Are you willing to leave your legacy behind? These were the exact thoughts running through my mind before every soccer game. On August 18, 2014, it was the beginning of a new era, a new soccer season, and a season where we could either make a title for ourselves or walk away with a defeat. We had a choice. Every day was a day where conditioning began and the day we make memories. From that day, it felt awesome that I was part of a family where I could finish my last year of my soccer career with people I played since we were little kids. Day one came and we were preparing our first game against Bigfoot High School. At the beginning of the game, they made a goal right away. We obviously didn’t have our heads in the game at first, but we ended up winning 3-1 that night. We knew that from then on that we had to play as a team and think as a team. On September 11th, we were facing the biggest game of our lives. We were going up against one of our biggest rivalries of all time; Elkhorn. I felt focused. I felt like we were going to play a real soccer match, like a Classico. We were Real Madrid and they we re Barcelona. When walking into the locker room that day, it was complete silence. Everyone was focused toShow MoreRelatedIntegrating An Individualistic Person Into A Team Player Essay1236 Words  | 5 PagesPerson into a Team Player It’s almost impossible to avoid group projects or team activities in today’s society. Most people have been a part of a team. Nearly everyone has had to complete a group project for a class. Now within these situations, many have experienced one person in the group that did not contribute to the project or team and there was another person who took over the entire project and wanted to do everything on the team. The many consequences of this is the disruption of team cohesionRead MoreScience Fiction Disaster Thriller Film, Directed By Michael Bay, Produced By Jerry Bruckheimer1418 Words  | 6 Pagesorganization function. Armageddon (1998) covered different I/O-related constructs for example personnel selection, teams, leadership, individual differences, and performance. In this paper, I will evaluate, analyze and present my own personal opinion over how Armageddon (1998) presented I/O constructs effectively. The first I/O-related construct that the film analyzed was the importance of individual differences. The film demonstrated the dissimilarities among the characters on set and their roleRead MoreLeadership As A Leader Is Not Always Clear And Definitive1476 Words  | 6 Pagesability and willingness to place the interest of the whole above their own in the quest of achieving a mission. To lead is to be self-less and take responsibility and accountability for the success of all the parts that make the whole. Leading is sacrifice and responsibility. A leader who places themselves first and does not dedicate themselves to those they lead is not a leader. The cost of leadership often is personal self-interest. To be a leader comes at a cost, the work doesn’t become easier orRead MoreFinding Humanity Of Technology : Computer Science1185 Words  | 5 Pagesindividuals face impact the way they receive software products. While analyzing the theme of community through Inside Mecc a in correspondence with evaluating the danger of having a single story through Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s testimony, the importance of the field of humanities to computer scientists and software developers can be better understood. Through the global interactions and the unity found in the presence of great diversity in both the Haij (Inside Mecca) as well as through the teamworkRead MoreRelationship Between Marketing And Customer Value1525 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION This paper aims to explain the relationship between marketing and customer value and their relevance when promoting and ensuring customer satisfaction. It will discuss marketing as a business philosophy and its importance in organisations. The concept of customer value will also be examined and its significance to the success of a product. Throughout the paper, the Apple Watch will be drawn on to further explore the concepts and to put them into context. Marketing has been definedRead MoreImportance of Honor Guard1338 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Honor Guard â€Å"At every crossroads on the path that leads to the future, tradition has placed 10,000 men to guard the past.-Maurice Masterlinck. Being a volunteer member of a military base honor guard, there are numerous reasons that require full effort and dedication. It is important that we, ceremonial guardsmen, strive to stay true to the creed put forth for us. Respect, integrity, inspiration, professionalism and tradition are key to being an effective member of the honorRead MoreWho Is The Owner Of Several Restaurants?1480 Words  | 6 PagesOwner who manages from a distant. Alex talked about having to sacrifice allot time from his family when starting his career, although it strained things he admits to being a hard-worker. Another important lesson I learned was having the ability to adapt is key in entrepreneurship, one must be able to adapt to different markets, taste, fluctuation in price and change in position. Alex also pointed out the importance of building a team that work s well with one another, this correlates closely to whatRead More Selfless Service Definition Essay1379 Words  | 6 Pagesand any team sport. The U.S. Army’s definition of selfless service is â€Å"to put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own†(â€Å"Selfless Service,† The Army consists of teams, in which those teams form a larger size unit, etc. If a team fails, the unit fails. One reason that a team may fail could have something to do with selfishness, which is of course the opposite of selfless service. For example, a soldier named Private Johnson is part of a team. JohnsonRead MoreThroughout The Semester, We Have Listened To Speakers,1544 Words  | 7 Pagesthey lead. Rather than leading in a hierarchical way, they will step down and help and participate at the level of each team member. They do not simply care about the job or the results; they also care about their team as a whole and as individuals. They understand that in order to lead successfully, sometimes they do not need to act like â€Å"the boss†and instead need to be a te am player. As it was pointed out to those of us that attended the Hap Arnold Lecture Series, a servant leader is someone whoRead MoreThe Importance Of Youth Sports838 Words  | 4 Pagestheir children an opportunity to learn something new every day. Socialization is very important for a child’s development and organized youth sports provide the social environment a child needs to grow socially. As parents started to realize the importance of organized youth sport, the popularity of youth sport started to increase. As the popularity started to increase, we saw an increase in the number of parents interested in enrolling their children to an organized sport, which led to an increase
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