Friday, November 29, 2019
A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro Essays
A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro Essays A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro Paper A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro Paper Essay Topic: Literature The character of Mariko in the novel A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro is that of a young girl who is about ten years old. She is presented by the author as an awkward and often difficult girl who struggles for her mother Sachikos nonexistent love and acceptance. Her character, behaviour, and personality have all been shaped by her experiences of the war and the Nagasaki bombing of 1945. However, despite the childhood traumas Mariko has gone through, she also shows acts of tremendous love, devotion and commitment towards things or aspects of her life she feels strongly for. The first thing that may be immediately noticeable in Marikos personality is that she is quite an awkward child. This is illustrated quite clearly in the scene where Mariko attempts to eat a spider crawling up the wall of Sachikos cottage. Certainly, Etsuko is alarmed when Mariko does this, as she says, I started back, and later, It took a moment for me to recover. Etsuko describes her as having a vaguely disturbing quality, and says that Mariko has a strangely expressionless look. The author uses words to similar effect throughout the novel to describe Mariko. Another obvious trait of Marikos is that she is not loved by her mother. Sachiko implies that Mariko is a great burden to her when she says things were very difficult when Mariko was born. She also does not help Mariko cope with the ordeals she has been through, as she says to Etsuko, So please dont bother too much with her. Sachiko simply does not care about Mariko, and fails to even stand up for her daughter when she is accused of something she did not do. When Sachiko drowns the kittens, the struggling animals are representative of Marikos emotional struggles for her mothers love and attention. Near the end of the novel, when saying, Do you think I imagine for one moment that Im a good mother to her? Sachiko admits that she knows she was never the caring, loving, devoted mother to Mariko she should have been. Mariko is also seen to have a closed mind. Ishiguro uses pathetic fallacy to illustrate this point. Her thoughts are withdrawn and reclusive, and Etsuko says of Mariko, I could see only darkness. A quote in the spider scene, [Mariko] closed her hand on top of it so that [the spider] was imprisoned, is very symbolic in the sense that Mariko is imprisoned inside her own mind. Her relative reticence Mariko remained silent throughout that journey home is also likely a reflection of her withdrawn nature, as she thinks inwardly rather than voice them out like other children her age would. However, Mariko also shows full affection towards things she deeply cares for. Her kittens are the prime example in this novel, and she makes constant and consistent reference to them. She insists on playing at the kujibiki stand until she wins a box which she uses as a home for her kittens We could carry the kittens in there We could take them in the box, couldnt we, Mother? When Yasuko-San tells Mariko, And youre not to worry about your kittens, we get the impression that Mariko has already expressed her concerns for the well-being of her pets to Yasuko-San. Mariko also tries to be protective of her kittens when Sachiko demands to have them by turning to Etsuko for support. She says, Do you want to see [Atsu, one of the kittens], Etsuko-San? once again illustrating her love for the kittens and also her helplessness in front of her mother, Sachiko. Despite Marikos motherly disposition towards the kittens, she can also demonstrate very child-like behaviour. Mariko shouted something and pointed. Then she hurried on excitedly. This phrase, for example, shows the normal, innocent nature of a child she Mariko still has in her in spite of all that has ever happened to her. She shows similar behaviour in another section of the novel, when she ran a little way ahead, then waited for us to catch up. Her naivety is shown also when she is oblivious of a woman staring at her from the train platform. Mariko continued to look out of the window, quite unaware of the woman. Her enthusiasm when looking through her binoculars, Mariko seemed to be testing the effectiveness of her binoculars, holding them to her eyes one moment, taking them away the next is also a good example of when Mariko is still very much a child. For most of the novel A Pale View of Hills, Mariko is presented as a young girl who has a hard time in communicating and socialising. She is often awkward, and clearly does not receive the amount of love she should be receiving from her mother. However, she also does display qualities that prove she would be a much better mother than Sachiko herself, and even hints that she would be an even better child than she is for most of the novel.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Beware Web Quizzes
Beware Web Quizzes Beware Web Quizzes Beware Web Quizzes By Maeve Maddox Most of us have probably been sucked in by one of the thousands of quizzes that proliferate on the Web as a form of entertainment. My weakness is anything language-related. One that lured me recently has the title â€Å"Can You Pass an 8th Grade Test from 1912?†I should have been suspicious as soon as I saw that the quiz is multiple-choice. In 1912, the multiple-choice test had not yet begun its insidious invasion of the American classroom. Nevertheless, I took the quiz and was brought up short by Question 14: In the sentence ‘John ran over the bridge,’ parse the word ‘bridge.’ Here are the answer options: a) Singular noun, subject of sentence b) Regular verb, active voice, present tense c) Singular noun, object of sentence d) A structure built to span physical obstacles such as a body of water What, I wondered, is one supposed to do when none of the answers is correct? What do American school children do when presented with a multiple-choice question? Guess, of course. I knew that John is the subject and that ran is the verb. I knew that the fourth choice has nothing to do with parsing, so I clicked on the third choice and was told that I was CORRECT! Here’s the â€Å"explanation†of my â€Å"correct†answer: It is â€Å"Singular noun, object of sentence.†â€Å"Parsing†used to be a common term in schools. In this case, â€Å"bridge†is an [sic] noun, and it is the object on which the action occurs. I tracked down the unaltered 1912 test. This is the source of the â€Å"John ran over the bridge†question: Parse all the words in the following sentence: John ran over the bridge. Not a great many years ago, certainly since 1912, parsing was a common term in my own classroom. I learned the value of teaching grammar via parsing when I taught in a private school in London. Students parse a sentence by identifying each word in it according to its part of speech. Younger children simply name the part of speech. Older children state such things as function, gender, case, etc. For example: John- proper noun, subject of â€Å"ran†ran- verb, third person singular, intransitive over- preposition the- definite article bridge- common noun, object of the preposition â€Å"over.†Web quizzes may be fun, but they can also be a source of misinformation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing Prompts 101"Latter," not "Ladder"
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Relationship Between Phenomenal Consciousness And Access Essay - 1
The Relationship Between Phenomenal Consciousness And Access Consciousness - Essay Example An important characteristic of the phenomenon consciousness that warrant noting is that differences in intentional content usually distinguish P- consciousness and makes it to stand out among other related phenomenon. A further attribute is that phenomenon conscious differences often lead to intentional differences (Jackndoff, 1987; Flanagan, 1992). On the other hand (Nagel, 1974), depicts access consciousness differently. According to Ned Block, access consciousness is achieved if it is perched for direct rational controls of thoughts and actions. It is specifically involved in data or information processing, computing, and control of behavior or conduct. Access consciousness is a cluster concept where the ability to do reports is the idea of the cluster which has the smaller weight even though it is often considered the best practical directive to access consciousness. A very important concept that Ned portrays (p, 208), is that phenomenon and access consciousness have been a ground of criticism for the functionalism and behaviorism (Block and Fodor, 1972), however no distinct need for an information generation motive of consciousness to be discussed considering several viewpoints that exist. ii. At particular instances, phenomenon conscious type of state may exists but not links or connections with the access conscious at that same time. This hence brings out the sense that the exemplar phenomenon conscious situations are quite sensational while that of access conscious are propositional attitudes. iii. Access conscious illustrations are representational while phenomenon consciousnesses are phenomenal or exceptional. Access consciousness does not make the needed intellectual demands as one may think but of self-consciousness, and for the identified phenomenal consciousness. The word consciousness presages a wide variety of perceptions and stands for
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Criticisms of The Friedan Mystique Article Essay
The Criticisms of The Friedan Mystique Article - Essay Example The difficulties that Betty Friedan saw women facing were most likely enough to let her realize that any revolution that would take place in women’s favor would do so at a slow and painstaking pace. Therefore, Friedan might have predicted that at some point during the change, women’s advances would not be commonplace. It might very well have been known to her that during the revolution, women’s wages as compared to men’s would rise to equalityâ€â€not overnight, but gradually. Friedan’s idea was to grant women the wide variety of choices that men had. It was not to be conceived that women should abandon child-bearing and rear altogether and launch out into the business world without concern for family and the perpetuation (or at least prolongation) of the human race. Her goal was to grant women the choice and opportunity to pursue business should they have that desire. In light of this, it would seem that Betty Friedan would have known that some women might consciously choose to remain in the homes, bear and rear children, and take care of their husbands. Certainly, at the time that she lived and wrote, while some women seemed eager and were clamoring for equality, others seemed quite satisfied with their domestic lot. Some were even critical of the women who wanted the choice to become educated and actually use that education in the corporate and professional world. The existence of these phenomena would have made it possible for Friedan to predict the criticisms of feminism made in â€Å"The Friedan Mystique.â€
Monday, November 18, 2019
In what ways does a consideration of interdependence challenge the Essay
In what ways does a consideration of interdependence challenge the realist analysis of the prospects for international co-operation in pursuit of absolute gains - Essay Example The very fact that a new world order has emerged following the collapse of Soviet Union in particular and the Communist Bloc in general demands a shift in our focus of attention while analysing the interactions of the states. The very nature of nation-states itself has profoundly changed. The mutations on sovereignty of nation-states, which are caused by neoliberal globalisation, are unprecedented and apparently irreversible. New institutions have emerged at the international level and they exert greater influence over the policy formulations even by the nation-states that are marginally integrated to the world market. Tradionally, the international system has been indeed seen as a world of sovereign states. States have the monopoly of power within a given territory and claim to represent the interests of the subjects of its rule. A state is primary unit at the international level. Constitutional independence is a defining character of a legitimate state. All states are considered equal in front of the international law. As opposed to the theoretical situation, we can see that the interactions between and among the states at the international level do involves relations of power. Many theorists of international politics have observed that powerful states are able to incorporate their desired ends to the international laws and mobilise what they want from the other states that have lesser resources. The very conception of political is different for realism and liberalism. The political is conceived as the means to certain ideals in liberal theory such as democracy and liberty. Antagonistically, realism sees politics as characterised by conflict. Realism is also known as political realism. Classical realism, neorealism and neoclassical realism are the major varieties of realist thinking. On the other hand, liberal
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Red Bull strategy
Red Bull strategy Red Bull is one of the biggest soft drink successes over the past the years. The slim blue silver can has developed a following among those who claim that it helps them with virtually everything to work better and play better. Yet Red Bull has a 70 to 90 percent market share in over 100 countries worldwide. During the past 15 years, the drink has been copied by more than 100 competitors, but such companies as Coca-Cola and Anheuser-Busch have been unable to take market share away from Red Bull. [Selling Power (September, 2004)] In 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz, the founder of Red Bull became aware of products called tonic drinks which enjoyed wide popularity in Asia. Energy drinks containing taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine and important vitamins and carbohydrates are claimed to help with physical endurance, improved reaction, speed and concentration and a feeling of well being. We can see that in the present days more than a billion cans of Red Bull are consumed each year around the world. Red Bull was launched in the UK in the mid-1990s of Austrian parentage. According to a Zenith International 2001 survey that, in 2001, it was the UKs third biggest soft drink by value, behind Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola. In the energy and sport drink sector, estimated to be worth  £750mn, it had an 86 per cent brand share by 2000, more than double the combined sales of Lucozades energy and sports brands. The advertising slogan of the Red Bull is The Drink That Gives You Wings and focuses on the stimulant properties of the drink. The functional sector concentrated on energy drinks, with brands such as Red Bull dominated. Meanwhile, the focus for sports drinks is replenishing carbohydrates and electrolytes quickly, and rehydrating the body after exercise. This subsector is still dominated by Lucozade Sport with  £34 mm in sales in 2000, but Coca-Cola intends to prelaunch its Powerade brand to capture a significant share, using Get Up, Stay Up as its campaign theme. Lucozade Sport in creating a new sector that is in tune with changes in lifestyles and reflects the development of sport physical activity. [Hawkes (1997), Johnson (2001), Newnham (2001)]             Analysis of the external and internal environments of an organization influence strategic choices and compare the marketing proposition that, The UK total cold drinks market is large and competitive area in which, many powerful and famous brands with large marketing budgets competing for share. In the cold drinks market, increases in the soft drinks category have been slowing. However, growth has been driven considerably by the energy drink sector, which was worth an estimated  £940 million in 2003 and more than  £392 million in 2004 and still has grown 26% since 2003. (ACNielsen) The Energy drink category continues to grow at pace with brand extensions and new entrants to the market emerging every year. This represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the categorys leading brands. [Mintel Energy Stimulant drinks Market Report August 2006]. The Product Red Bull improves emotional status and vigilance, increases performance, reaction speed and concentration. Customers drink Red Bull for such benefits as these. In times of long school hours, stressful work, and very tiring days, customers look to a product that vitalizes body and mind. Red Bull does just that! Red Bull even supplies a sugar free version for the average health-concerned user. The Target Audience (Market) At this point, the concept of market segmentation, targeting and positioning are key to the success of firms marketing efforts. Red Bull targets an active audience, especially those between the ages of 17 and 23, male and female. Characteristically, 17- to 23-year-olds are either thinking about college, in college, or just recently graduated from college. It is currently in a consumers life that dramatic schedule changes are happening. High school atmospheres are considerably slower than the pace of college atmospheres. Sports, education, clubs and part-time jobs are far more challenging in a college setting. Red Bull is targeting customers across the world that it is at the turning point in their lives when energy is a necessary component to successfully make it through any given day. Red Bull is a perfect solution for 17- to 23-year-olds who live fast-paced, hectic lifestyles while hardly making it through long days and nights of classes and studying. Segmentation is also important because firms cannot appeal to all customers at once, especially not with the same offering. Rather, firms need to design products and services that fit with particular groups of individuals. Firms can segment their market in a number of ways, including geographical which is mainly people who are situated in the city, as they are likely to be really busy and tired. Red Bull seems to have a cooler in most bars and clubs in the city as well as in convenient stores.Demographic, mainly concentrate on men and women of all ages but focusing on people aged 16-29. Psychographic for example, the people who are tired or stressed and want to relax and have fun and finally behavioural segmentation especially students and young professionals to boost energy during work long day at work. The type of marketing strategy that should be employed will vary on the target market. Choosing an appropriate target-marketing strategy will depend on a number of factors. Once a firm has selected the segment within which it wishes to compete, it must then choose a specific position within said segment where it will distinguish itself [Kotler and Keller, 2006; Kotler, 1980, 1985]. The requirement of market positioning refers more broadly to the notion of competitive advantage. The Proposition Red Bull is The Drink That Gives You Wings. This is Red Bulls international slogan for its energy drink. Red Bull is a popular drink amongst men in particular, with its largest consumers consisting of athletes, students, and night-clubbers in need of a late night lift. However, the brand is marketed to opinion leaders and hard-working people with active lifestyles, as the companys website claims. Red Bull succeeds by remaining exactly the same. Consumers can choose with sugar or without. There is no other choice. As founder Dietrich Mateschitz says We dont bring the product to the people, we bring people to the product. Red Bull marketing maintains a sense of product mystique that makes consumers feel special. Customers can relate to the experience they were having when they encountered the drink and they adjust their values to the attributes of the product. The Competition Red Bull is competing with major competitor Lucozade in the soft drink market and they are the driving forces in the rapidly increasing energy drink market. A close assessment of their websites reveals that they have a similar focus in their messages, so they seem to be competing for the same customers. However, the message delivery is very different. This would seem to indicate that they are not concentrating their strategic objectives on stealing market share or overall market share growth. Instead they recognize that the whole market share pie is rising. For that reason it seems logical that each company would be concentrating on bringing in a greater number of the consumers new to the energy drink market. Red Bull is also competing with some companies such as show below; Vault -Markets product as a hybrid: Drinks as a Soda, Kicks like an Energy Drink The Taste. The Quench. The Kick. -A Coca-Cola product -Product Variations: Vault Zero (diet version) -Commercial advertisements display men doing extraordinary things while drinking Vault. Monster -Tagline: Unleash the Beast -Green and black themed product and website -Product variations: Lo-Carb, Assault(soda drink), Khaos(juice drink) -Khoas slogan: 70% Juice, 100% Monster -Promote Supercross racing events -Promote mixing Monster with alcoholic beverages, website provides mixed drink recipes. Rock Star -Edgy tone -Rock music plays on the website; Rod Stewart, Fernando Vargas and Snoop Dogg are pictured on the homepage of the site, Party Like A RockStar -Product variations: Diet RockStar, RockStar Energy Cola, Get Juiced -Get Juiced slogan- 70% Real Juice, 100% Energy -Website sells merchandise: t-shirts, hats, wristbands, etc. -Youthfully imaged founder CEO Advertising Objectives Red Bull campaign strategy is to redirect the advertising from the former extreme sport athlete audience to a demographically larger target audience college students. What will Red Bull campaign do for the target? Red Bull campaign will hit a soft spot and plant their product deep in to the minds of the target audience by using a childhood cartoon character for instance, Popeye the Sailor Man who has recently been missing in action on current television. Their focus group study revealed that the targeted college student audience often wishes they could turn back the hands of time and relive their childhood when life was easy and they had all the energy in the world to laugh and play. The goal is to reach their targets soft spot by using a childhood cartoon character pleasant childhood memories. The Ad Pyramid (AIDA) Attracting Attention: Using a cartoon character, which the target market has not seen since childhood, to promote Red Bull will grab the attention of the 17- to 23-year-old audience. Holding Interest: The tagline, Tastes Better Than Spinach, pokes fun at the taste of Red Bull, using the technique of humour to keep the consumers interested in the product. Sparking Desire: The target market will also long for the desired energy results of Red Bull who long to return to the days of childhood. Influencing Action: The interest in and the desire to drink Red Bull will add enough fuel to the consumers flame to make the target need and/or want to go out and purchase their product. Overall goal of Advertising Campaign: Red Bull wants to have at least 75-80% of all college students in the country drinking or highly aware of their drink.  The Media and Creative Requirements Creative Brief/Copy Platform Red Bull will reach out to the college student market by using humoured advertising, along with product benefits to prominently put Red Bull on the college campus map. Our strategy is to implement pulse advertising to stress Red Bulls importance through midterm and final times by way of the following media: MTVs the 10-Spot, People Magazine, and college radio stations nationwide. Red Bull is bringing Popeye back into the spotlight! Popeye and his infamous love, Olive Oyl, will use their persuasion skills to remind the target market of sweet childhood memories, as a result, aiding in the desire to drink Red Bull for strength and energy. What is Popeyes message, you ask? Tastes Better Than Spinach is the hot button tagline we will use to reach the target market. In the print and broadcast advertisements, Popeyes character will appear in various college settings, while studying and drinking Red Bull to gain energy, instead of eating what he is famous for, cans of spinach. The Red Bull cans and website promote the specific product benefits increasing performance, concentration and reaction speed, improving vigilance and emotional status, and stimulating the metabolism. We plan to stick with the effective strategy of humoured animation advertising to sell Red Bull Energy Drink across the United States.   Production requires the hiring of animators, scheduling studio time for voiceovers, hiring actors for the voiceovers, and obtaining the rights to use Popeye and Olive Oyl in advertisements. Final edits are expected within the production elements. Popeyes strength and energy will flow into the college students of America. The result: sky-rocketed Red Bull sales! Media Rationale People Magazine Many young adults within our target market read this weekly magazine. People Magazine, constantly available for reading, is our chosen media outlet that can reach our target at nearly any time of the day. People Magazine often sits in the lobby or waiting area of schools and businesses, giving us the opportunity to reach out to the consumers in many places and at many times of the day. The creative vision of having the popular cartoon character, Popeye, drinking Red Bull in college settings will scream to our target that Red Bull Energy Drink is a necessity for the average college student. MTVs the 10-Spot College students, far and wide, take a break from studying to tune in to the popular MTV 10-Spot. Red Bull commercial advertisements during the highly rated Real World/Road Rules Challenge will clearly remind our audience of the energy they crave to make it through many hours of homework after their much needed break is over. A constant reminder with three commercial slots during this half hour television show will have the target market running out to the nearest venue to buy Red Bull Energy Drink.   College Radio Stations What better way to reach our target audience than by pouring our product advertisement right into the heart of their schools media college radio stations! Students are exposed to the sound of college radio in general public campus areas, such as cafes, restaurants, hallways and lounges. Advertisements are to run between the times of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Surveys reveal that the target market prefers to drink Red Bull in the evening. The evening targeting strategy will reach students after dinner hours when they are getting ready for gruelling night classes and/or long nights of studying. Conclusion I can say that, advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services by an identified sponsor to a targeted audience and delivered primarily through the mass media. Advertising has much strength. It can reach a large mass audience to intensify broad-based demand for a product, build brand awareness, create long-term brand images and brand positions, and increase brand knowledge effectively. On the hand advertising has several weaknesses also. It is perceived as intrusive and as cluttering the environment. It is also wastes many impressions, so it may not be cost-effective, especially if the business is targeting a niche market.  If I want to critically evaluate how analysis of the external and internal environments of an organisation influence strategic choices and compare the marketing propositions of Red Bull this assessment show that, the energy drink market is competitive and rapidly increasing in the existing market sector. Therefore, selection of advertising media for Red Bull is one of the most important and complicated of all marketing communications decisions. Media planning must be coordinated with marketing strategy and with other aspects of advertising strategy. Bibliography Burnet, J. and Moriarty, S. (1998) Introduction to Marketing Communications: An Integrated Approach, by Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Geld, B. D., Hong, J. W. and Zinkhan, G. M. (1985) Communications Effects of Specific Advertising Elements: An Update in Current Issues and Research in Advertising, vol 11, ed. James H. Leigh and Claude R. Martin, Jr. (Ann Arbor, Mich: University of Michigan. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of Marketing, (10th edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Kotler, P. and Keller, K.L. (2006) Marketing Management, (12th edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Mintzberg, H. and Lampel, J. and Kim, J.B. and Ghoshal, S. (2003) The Strategy Process: Concept Contexts Cases (4th edition), published by Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors. New York: Free Press Porter, M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press. Shimp, T. A. (2000) Advertising Promotion: Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 5th edn,by Harcourt, Inc. Electronic sources: Superbrands Book 2004 Selling power sep 2004 REFERENCES Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of Marketing, 10th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Kotler, P. and Keller, K.L. (2006) Marketing Management, 12th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors. New York: Free Press Porter, M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press. Superbrands Book 2004 Hawkes (1997), Johnson (2001), Newnham (2001) Mintel Energy Stimulant drinks Market Report August 2006 Selling power sep 2004 APPENDIX 1. FIGURE 1: [Source: Nielsen value share data, MAT to December 27th 2006]. 2. FIGURE: Typical off-trade retail prices of energy and stimulant drinks and pack sizes, (2006). Red Bull Solstis Lucozade Original Energy Purdeys Red Devil Feelfine Tesco Kick Average price  £0.96  £0.90  £0.75  £0.70  £0.90  £1.09  £0.48p Pack size 250ml 250ml 380ml 330ml 250ml 250ml 250ml According to figure 1, Lucozade has been the market leader in the energy drink category with just under 60% value share of the category since its launch. The biggest competitors such as, Red Bull with 27% market share and PowerAde 4.5% market share respectively. In 2003 has also witnessed the introduction of several private label sport and energy drink launches from the major grocers. The rest of the market is made up with a plethora of smaller brands, predominantly operating in the stimulant drinks sector, and distributed via the impulse channel and the on-trade environment. [See figure 2: Typical off-trade retail prices of energy and stimulant drinks and pack sizes, 200 Appendix 2 Posters The Drink That Gives You Wings Even If you are a HERO!!! Tastes Better Than Spinach
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Legacy of Communist Leaders Essay -- Papers
Legacy of Communist Leaders The History of modern Russia (twentieth century) is the period of communist government. After the revolution in 1917 Russia became the first communist state, which survived until 1991. Seventy-four years of rapid changes left an enormous mark in the history of Russia. This period of history introduced us to the greatest communist leaders. History doesn't happen by itself. There must be Individuals who make it. And in our history those individuals are Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. To understand how this period of history affected the present and then future we must look at each leader at a time to see what were his purposes and actions and make an opinion. Before 1917 Russia was an empire with tsars from Romanov dynasty. It was a powerful Empire with some weaknesses, which each empire has. Before the revolution in 1917 there was the First Russian Revolution in 1905 knows as the Bloody Sunday. There were three parties - Social-Democratic Labour Party (1898), Party Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Constitutional-Democratic Party. The Social-Democratic Labour Party split into two half: The Bolsheviks (Majority) led by Vladimir Lenin and The Mensheviks (Minority) led by Martov. Vladimir Lenin (born in 1840) began his political career already in University from which he was expelled as a radical troublemaker. In 1890 he went abroad and joined The Marxists - Plekhanov and Martov. He traveled a lot and had a chance to talk to well educated people. Abroad he wrote his books and after he returned in 1917 he started to realize his ideas. He was the leader of the October revolution... ... happen next. Beginning from Khrushchev's Era and Brezhnev's the country started to move away from the communism system. It happened very slowly but the fact that it started is obvious. The mentality of Soviet people will remain for some time. Our country will not accept individualities because they are afraid of them. And I think it is not only in Russia. It is everywhere. The Communist system stopped the natural development of our country. We are far away behind the European countries. The Ideology of communism is amazing but it cannot work on such huge territory as Russia. Utopia is not possible in our world and it is strange how the communist leaders could even think of realizing their dreams. Individuals rule world and you cannot admit it. You cannot force history. No matter what it will go its own way, direction.
Monday, November 11, 2019
English Speech About Big World and on Her Knees
English Speech: How would you feel if your mother had to clean other people’s houses to make a living? How far would you really go for a friend, would you sacrifice a love life, your education? Out of all the books I have read, I absolutely love Tim Winton’s short stories, 2 short stories that I loved are â€Å"On Her knees†and â€Å"Big World†.I have particularly enjoyed â€Å"On her knees†not only because of its intriguing name but because it depicts the issue of dignity throughout the whole story and it taught me that â€Å"there is more honor in scrubbing other people’s floors than in having strangers scrub your own†, the second story â€Å"Big World†depicts the issue of friendship which also teaches me that â€Å"Friendship can evolve through the smallest of incidents†Now to the short story â€Å"Big World†which is about an emotional journey for a young man and his friend Biggie, who have recently failed their exams.As life becomes monotonous by working in a abattoir, they decide to escapee and go as far away as they can from the town they had lived in, Angelus, so they buy an old VW which later breaks down and as the realization seeps in on how stupid the idea was, they decide to go separate ways. Friendship is one of the main themes in this short story; it expresses the idea of two friends who make sacrifices for each other so their friendship will be able to continue on.This can be seen in several times in the story; one is where the persona sacrifices his love for Briony9 Nevis, quote: â€Å"out of loyalty†and when the persona does Biggie’s homework â€Å"†¦his whole academic success was his essay on the demise of Led Zeppelin, but then I wrote that for him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A technique that shows friendship is first person, making it seem as a personal experience, this point of view also enables the author to manipulate the reader’s feelings and judgment s. This method also helps in creating an atmosphere where the reader feels as if he or she is one with the narrator which gets the story to be more involving. For example: In the short story, the event in which Biggie’s father is described as a beater and that if Biggie were to return home his father â€Å"His father would beat the shit out of him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ which creates a sense of sympathy towards Biggie and a sense of antipathy towards his father. â€Å"On her knees†which is about a son’s perception of his mother’s cleaning work that is contrasted with pride and dignity, which is accentuated when she is falsely accused of theft. The short story itself is about dignity, about maintaining dignity and understanding its meaning.What makes this a good read, is that the title itself contradicts the whole idea of dignity, the fact that when someone is on their knees, they are in a degrading state but in this short story Winton has effectively shown that this is not true and that no matter what occupation your mother has you will always be quote: â€Å"proud of her good name†. The narrator Victor Lang loa thes to see his mother lower herself and degrade her own dignity just to provide an education for him quote: â€Å"†¦ my mother cleaned houses to pay debts and keep us afloat and get me through university†¦ , this depicts how the mother had a â€Å"come-down†from her previous job as a receptionist, as long as her son is well provided for, such a high class occupation to a â€Å"domestic benchmark†. The â€Å"veins livid in her legs†represent labor, pain and strain which in contrast to the character of the house owner is regarded as admirable. A further comparison of the narrator's and the owner's shows that while they of low class have a neat clean home, those of â€Å"higher class†have a messy one full of neglect. A sad truth is put forth in this story where the value of a pair of earrings surpasses the value of a human being.A technique that shows dignity is symbolism. For example: the action of the boy taking a shower can be translated in to a wanting to escape form this situation. The mother is said to give the boy a â€Å"lecture†, which suggests that she is in control leading to another symbol of imprisonment for the boy. The car is another clever use of symbolism where the car represents the boy's life. It is said to be â€Å"reeking†which shows that the narrator hates his life. The cranking down of the window represents a desire to escape.The mother is said to be driving carefully which shows two things: a) that she is in control of his life and b) that she makes sure she takes the safest route, protecting her son from harm. Not only have both of these short stories alienated me in such a way, but I found these stories surprisingly beautiful, I highly advise for you to read these two great short stories, because the next time you are facing troubles in life, you remember what Carol Lang had to go through in life, remember what happens when you don’t face your problems in life, not like a bo y, but like a man.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Cultivating Editor Relationships Bears Multi-Assignment Fruit
Cultivating Editor Relationships Bears Multi-Assignment Fruit Last week I sent a two-sentence query to the travel editor at the San Jose Mercury News about visiting specific spots in Southern California- would she be interested in an article? Her answer: â€Å"Sure. Sounds fun!†It can’t be that easy, right? Yes, it was- but only because I’d written many travel pieces for this editor over a number of years. Better yet, because my writing style and process clicked well with her needs, she’d actually created a loose category of articles (called â€Å"Trail Mix†) for me to conceive and write, of which the above was one. There will be many mixings of trails to come. Keeping in this vein, I once wrote a magazine piece about my girlfriend buying an old Airstream trailer sight unseen on eBay. The editor of a new Airstream magazine read it and contacted me about writing an article for his magazine. Yesterday I turned in what might be my 40th (if not more) article for the magazine. Don’t get me wrong: I’ve sent hundreds, perhaps thousands, of pitches that have died an un-replied death, and hundreds more that got me the one-sentence â€Å"not for us†reply. But occasionally, writers can connect with editors so that mutual trust, confidence, and suggested future work define the relationship. And don’t forget another component: getting paid regularly. Sure, Craft clear pitches: Be specific about an article’s scope and details. Include a suggested headline. Put in a succinct
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Essays
Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Essays Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Paper Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Paper ADR at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America More companies are turning to alternate dispute resolution (ADR) as an alterative to the judicial system for settling employee disputes. There are some clear advantages and disadvantages to ADR for both employers and employees. The best-designed ADR programs are those that are fair and impartial. A good ADR program should seek to find the best possible outcome for both parties while saving time and money and preserving relationships. The least effective ADR programs tend to be unfair and perpetuate the imbalance and bargaining power discrepancy frequently found in employer-employee relationships. In this paper, I will compare the ADR programs of Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America. My basis for comparison will be measured primarily on how well they address the advantages of ADR equally for the employer and the employee. It should be noted that Darden’s is considered to be a model program due to its comprehensiveness and fairness. By contrast – perhaps unsurprisingly – it is disappointing to see that Hooters has constructed an ADR program that offers little justice to its employees. Advantages of using ADR ADR can save vast amounts of time and money. While lawsuits can take years and thousands of dollars to settle, through ADR, conflicts can often be resolved in a matter of weeks or months at a greatly reduced cost. There are potential savings in court costs, attorney fees, and expert witness fees when a dispute is settled through mediation, arbitration, or a combination of both. Potential disadvantages of ADR are the wasted time and increased cost that are incurred when a dispute goes through ADR but still ends up in court. At Darden, there are four ways to resolve workplace disputes – Open Door Policy, Peer Review, Mediation, and Arbitration. Each is designed to encourage settlement without litigation and each is promoted as an effective alternative to litigation that is fair to all parties. The first step toward resolving disputes at Darden is use of the open door policy. If the employee is not satisfied with the first three steps of the ADR program mentioned above, the matter can move on to the final step: arbitration. The court has determined that the Darden program appears to meet the legal tests for ADR. It is important to note that Darden does not expect to reduce expenses via reduction in the payout of damages and compensation to employees with legitimate claims; rather, their expected cost savings lies in reducing court-related fees. In stark contrast, Hooters’ ADR program is a one-sided agenda designed to help the company win arbitration cases and save time and money. The ADR program takes advantage of the company’s superior bargaining power: employees must sign the agreement to arbitrate disputes in order to be eligible for raises, transfers, and promotions. Employees are allowed only five days to review and decide if they will accept or reject the agreement. Hooters’ ADR agreement states that the company has the right to change the rules and procedures at any time – even while in the midst of an arbitration proceeding – without notice. In addition, the rules require employees to disclose their cases to the company, along with a list of witnesses and a record of facts known to each witness. Hooters, meanwhile, is not required to reciprocate by disclosing the details of its defense. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit summed it up by stating that the Hooters rules are â€Å"so one-sided that their only purpose is to undermine the neutrality of the (arbitration) proceeding. †The basis for a workable ADR program is that it should guarantee neutrality; a neutral party is hired or retained to hear and decide on cases. At Darden, the choice of a neutral party is governed by outside rules preventing abuse in the selection of a biased arbitrator or mediator. The neutrals at the proceedings are experts belonging to the American Arbitration Association (AAA). AAA is a public-service, non-profit organization serving businesses and government. Meanwhile, Hooters’ mechanism for selecting a panel of three arbitrators is crafted to ensure a biased decision maker. The employee and the company each select an arbitrator. These two arbitrators in turn select the third arbitrator. The biggest problem with this process is that all of the arbitrators must be selected from a list created exclusively by the company. Hooters can nominate its managers or select arbitrators who have a financial interest in the company to be placed on the list. Anyone deemed as being against the company can be taken off the list. ADR is a legitimate and potentially highly beneficial alternative to litigation, and its use can save employers and employees both time and money. ADR can decrease the adversarial dynamic between parties and offer greater flexibility in settlements. Further, it provides the potential to preserve business relationships. Darden Restaurants has a good ADR program that addresses these issues.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Incorporation of Western Faming and Technology in India Essay
The Incorporation of Western Faming and Technology in India - Essay Example This paper illustrates that even though, other Israelite Agricultural technological companies have made entry into India to provide support in the farming of horticultural crops; they have only limited their services to Haryana and Maharashtra. Examining the current situation in India, most locations and farmers remain unaware of the current procedures and technology in agriculture practice. As such, Vickens Inc. targets to sell its product and services to the geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral segments of the market. The entire market segments shall benefit from the newly improved agricultural technological solutions provided by the company. The main reason besides the establishment of this new business is to fill the market niche that exists in the Indian Agricultural sector. Gallagher notes that while the country is agriculturally driven the use of new and current technology has been limited. Most farmers in the country still adopt the traditional methods of far ming that yields very little output to the farmers. The mission of Vickens Inc. is to provide the farmers with most current agricultural procedures and technology to increase productions of crops and generate increased revenues in return. This will be achieved through enhancing an eco-friendly environment that does not affect the lives of individuals. With the e-Choupal initiative in India, a lot of information is available to the country’s farmers about the use of new technology in farming. Ideally, this forms a wider customer base for the Vickens Company products and service. The Company targets to sell its products to all the four market segments as proposed by Kerin. In the geographic division, the organization aims to reach all the farmers within the Indian agricultural potential zones.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Policy Memo - Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Policy Memo - Human Rights - Essay Example In addition, there is the reality of todays global terrorism where time sensitive information may be able to save thousands of lives. Torture falls under the umbrella of human rights that have had staunch philosophical support from the US government since its inception. The problem that faces the US is being able to stay true to the principles and ideals that the US stands for, while confronting an enemy that does not have the same level of respect for life, dignity, and human rights that the US does. Only by eliminating the use of torture and maintaining our credibility on the world stage, will the US be able to further its agenda of spreading democracy and protecting human rights around the world. Torture dates back to the days of antiquity and has been used regularly in wars to gain information from the enemy. Torture was used in ancient Mesopotamia, the Romans tortured Christ, and Aristotle advocated it as an effective means to extract information (Masci). Since the earliest recorded times torture has been used by churches, militaries, and law enforcement in an effort to get a confession. By the 18th century, enlightened thinking began to question the ethics of torture and humanitarian advocates called for the elimination of torture as a means to get a confession (Masci). Modern views on torture are generally the result of the foundations laid by the American Red Cross and the Geneva Conferences in 1863 and 1864 (Masci). While there has been a movement to reduce torture in the recent centuries, and its practice made more palatable, it still proliferates in many of the civilized countries around the world. Today, law enforcement, intelligence organizations, militaries, and governments in over 100 countries including the United States use torture (Masci). Its use has been banned by international common law, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Geneva Convention
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